This is a partial log of work that Starlordy has done as CEO since completing the acquisition paperwork of 0N1 Force.
Working daily with IMCMPLX to build the world and complete his work including but not limited to:
-Reviewing every single trait together with IMCMPLX to deeply understand the origins and meaning behind every trait to prepare for lore & canon insertion
-Create the family tree for 0N1 that explains the lineage of creation and how we got the different types we do today
-Review past lore and inspect for logic holes or potential flaws
-Discuss future development of characters and world
-Discuss brand visual guide
-Discuss 0N1 Fashion guide
-Create & Illustrate concept designs for 0N1 Hunter X
-Create new IMCMPLX art for our secret _________ museum quality art project
-Getting on daily calls to discuss lore, characters, world, etc.
-Develop logic & laws behind the world
-Discuss Art and Design behind potential future drops
-Review potential collaborators
-Review potential new artists for visual brand development
-Advise on toy design & production, engage in conversation on potential
-Give direction & critiques on work created by community members with his art
-Work on new 0N1 KA1 PFPs
-Talk about life, art, fashion, design
-Review fashion brands and discuss potential collaborations
Working with Cromagnus weekly
-New comic discussion
-Discuss AR development on previous comic for Comic Con
-Commission rebirth art: Rose
-Commission 0N1 Hunter X cover
-Discuss future drop potentials
-Discuss Cromagnus merch
-Talk about life, art, mental health, the industry
-Talk with the new ownership group daily
-Discuss business stuff, lots of business stuff. All the business stuff.
-Identify key areas of conquest both as an IP and geographically worldwide. -Identify key areas of development for the long-term success of this brand
-Discuss strategies for user acquisition, pricing, and all that.
-Discuss roadmap and 1, 2, 3-year vision -Discuss the here and now
-Endless introductions to potential collaborators and all the messages and calls that go with it
-Sharpen the central thesis
-Brand IP play development plan
-Interview Artists for top-secret dope art stuff
-Bring on artists for the residency program, old and new
-Create a Roadmap to Comic Con
-Create pitches for potential 0N1 KA1s
-Introductions from ownership group to many companies and groups that could be a value add
-Interview potentials for key hires such as CTO, Biz Dev
-Meetings with multiple lawyers from different firms focused on IP Development for major franchises such as Nike, Marvel, etc. etc.
-Formulate a plan for the 0N1 community franchise model
-Recruit founders for 0N1 WORLD
-Have discussions with brands from Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan
-No sleep for Starlordy, is that healthy tho
-Meet with other founders to discuss Collab and get to know each other
-No sleep for Starlordy
-Work with the community manager and mod team
-Handle transition of payment systems
-Interview & discuss security
-Solidify the internal roadmap for the year and resource allocation
-Interview business development executives
-Develop R0N1N program
-Meet with toymakers to discuss production capabilities and market strategy, costs, timing, etc.
-Deep research on fashion brands that align with 0N1 look & values.
-Travel to meet people
-LOTS OF STUFF this is like 1/8th of it. Literally working all day every day from morning until night.
-Dick around on Twitter at 3 am
-Discuss ______ and _______ with ________ for our ________.
-Recruit _______ for ________ to _____________.
-Research anime-loving celebrities:
-Contract Graphic designers
-Contract Web developers
-Contract 3D artists
-Contract animators
-Story, and lore discussion with many collaborators to keep everyone on same page
Digital Experience Development
-Develop 1-year storytelling drop schedule
-Discuss platform needs for the future
-AR development for NFT Paris
-AR discussion for cromagnus comic
-AR discussion for 0N1 Hunter X comic
-Artwork creation for AR
-3D creation for AR
-Animation for AR
-Back end development & management for AR
-Interview next big time artists who could help us become a Triple A level project
-Cultivate a list for artists to develop and invite to grant program
-Develop grant program logistics & execution
-Discuss artist-in-residency program reboot with old artists and recruit new Comic -Interview artists
-Bring on a master writer for 0N1 Hunter X
-Work with the community to develop 0N1 Hunter X backstory, and lore for the main characters
-Meet with master writer _______ and receive 2 private masterclasses on writing and creating comic books
-negotiate a deal with master writer _______ and his team to retain them for 6 issues of 0N1 Hunter X
-Find artists for interior pages
-Review artists with owners
-Sit with Comic Publishing partner Josh Blaylock for 3 hours at a time to discuss every detail about publishing, format, paper stock, pricing strategy, etc
-Discuss NFT Comic drops
-Determine Comic Book Roadmap & growth strategy
-Discuss flagship comic beyond 0N1 Hunter X
-Look through every available artist from the comic book industry and
-Discuss physical retail go-to-market strategy and costs
-Discuss online retail promotion
-Variant covers, rarity strategy
-Discuss positioning of 0N1 Force to the general comic market
-Threw private get-together at NFT Paris
-Map out the events schedule for the year
-Virtually meet with event organizers around the world
-Discuss promotions & giveaways
-Organize NFTLA with our host
-discuss budget, swag, etc
-secure location
-secure drinks
-secure super cool secret gifts for holders only
-secure live music & art
-stuff for stuff